Scientist | Thought Leader | Author | Lecturer | Media expert
Scientist | Thought Leader | Author | Lecturer | Media expert
“I’d say that someday we’re going to have to listen to this man, but the truth is that day is NOW!”
“Beyond Cosmic Dice comes not a moment too soon as we struggle with increasingly dire social crises and an ailing planet. The last thing we need is for religious dogma to get in the way of finding rational solutions to our problems! Jeff’s book explains why.”
“As America and Europe become increasingly secular, Beyond Cosmic Dice provides a timely and much needed account of the history of morality and realistic proposals for a natural ethic that is not based on primitive notions of deity. Jeff Schweitzer provides a shining ray of light into a future for humanity that contrasts its dark past of superstition and terror.”
“This is an election that truly matters. This is a book that truly matters. Don’t sit this one out. Get this book and get involved, TODAY!”
“Let me tell you what I love about Jeff Schweitzer. We met when he came in as a guest on the PLAYBOY Radio show I was running. His management team said something like “You should get to know this guy. You would like him”. I did and I do. Over lunch that day, this guy with his fascinating perspective, and a resume of eye opening accomplishment, got into a fairly substantive discussion on life. I admitted a life goal to him that I had never spoken out loud, and he encouraged me to pursue it even if I thought it was not realistic. The day I met Jeff led to a profound change for the better in my life. I suspect that meeting him through this book might do the same for you.”
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Over the past 2000 years, The Bible has remained a #1 BEST SELLER.
Most would agree, morality by "The Book” obviously does not work. Since a master painter like Picasso would never "paint by numbers” — why should we use an outdated “morality by numbers” approach to improve our quality of life— it just doesn’t add up.
Morality By Numbers
Historically, countless leaders, using “hand-me-down" religious doctrines, have skillfully suppressed the natural ability of an individual to organize and rationalize their own moral outcomes. Using far out Fantasia like fables, established as “truth” over generations-- leaders confuse, control and convince the mind into believing their “synthetic” moral codes come directly from God. Regardless of good or bad motives, these same religious leaders end up gaining extreme power, riches & fame— all at the expense of others. The greater losses occur when leaders convince large populations to defend these antiquated religious beliefs in large scale wars or persecutions. To date, death toll statics estimate as high as 195 million humans perished directly or indirectly to a religious based morality conflict. Perhaps “morality by numbers” is humanities very first Weapon of Mass Destruction.
The Science Behind 'Natural Morality’ - it’s in our DNA
New scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that nature has been rewarding species who reject un-rational beliefs like these and instead organize and work together for the common good. As with dolphins, who evolved a highly effective natural moral code over the past 35 million years -- incremental improvements towards longer life spans get recorded deep in our genetic code. These true to life survival success stories of mutually beneficial community building behaviors get passed down through DNA every time we reproduce. As we become more willing to let go of outdated religious beliefs superimposed on us — the innate 'Natural Morality' recorded in our DNA can once again "kick in" — providing each individual with a more authentic sense of connection to one another and the environment.
A Toxic Relationship - Dr Jeff Schweitzer
A Toxic Relationship - Dr Jeff Schweitzer
Over the past 2000 years, The Bible has remained a #1 BEST SELLER.
Most would agree, morality by "The Book” obviously does not work. Since a master painter like Picasso would never "paint by numbers” — why should we use an outdated “morality by numbers” approach to improve our quality of life— it just doesn’t add up.
Morality By Numbers
Historically, countless leaders, using “hand-me-down" religious doctrines, have skillfully suppressed the natural ability of an individual to organize and rationalize their own moral outcomes. Using far out Fantasia like fables, established as “truth” over generations-- leaders confuse, control and convince the mind into believing their “synthetic” moral codes come directly from God. Regardless of good or bad motives, these same religious leaders end up gaining extreme power, riches & fame— all at the expense of others. The greater losses occur when leaders convince large populations to defend these antiquated religious beliefs in large scale wars or persecutions. To date, death toll statics estimate as high as 195 million humans perished directly or indirectly to a religious based morality conflict. Perhaps “morality by numbers” is humanities very first Weapon of Mass Destruction.
When opinion gets equated with fact: all reality is lost.
When opinion gets equated with fact: all reality is lost.
1. The media have made a tragic error in creating a false equivalency between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
2. Clinton is by any definition qualified to be president, hate her or not. Senator, Secretary of State, veteran of a previous presidential campaign, a major player on the global stage, Clinton has the history and experience typical of presidential candidates consistent with all who have come before.
3. In stark contrast to Clinton or those who came before her, Trump has no credentials that would make him a viable candidate for president. The huge and potentially existential mistake the media have made is to include Donald Trump in that group of qualified candidates.
4. With the exception of some vocal opposition, coming, incidentally, from traditionally conservative press, most media outlets are failing their mission to question Trump’s qualifications by giving his campaign extensive coverage, while ignoring or laughing off gaffs that would destroy other candidates.
5. Media with a liberal bias make the mistake of reporting on Trump as a legitimate candidate in an effort to be “impartial” and “fair” thereby committing the sin of assuming that every debate has two sides, that all arguments are equally valid.
6. Both left and right-wing media are biased. But in total, there is on the left no equivalent of the massive, organized, intentional bias seen on the right.
7. Compared to the never-ending coverage of the deaths of four Americans in Libya, I can find not one single Fox News or conservative media reports on the eight Americans killed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; not one story of Jim Mollen’s murder, and none on the murder of Edward Seitz. Are their lives less worthy than those who died in Libya?
8. Fox aired hundreds and hundreds of segments on an alleged cover-up and stand-down order that they knew to be wrong.
9. Fox News gleefully covered the Benghazi hearings with no filter. Bradley F. Podliska, a staffer to the committee, openly stated that the investigation was designed to harm Clinton politically. (
10. In our brave new world, the collective opinions of thousands of professional meteorologists studying our climate have been equated to nothing more valid than the uneducated opinion of a radio host.
11. We falsely equate opinion with fact. Donald Trump is not the problem, we are.
Related Dr. Schweitzer articles published on the Huffington Post web site:
09/07/16 - Media Bias & The Curse Of False Equivalency
11/10/16 - Requiem for an American Blogger
11/02/16 - Asymmetric Warfare: Trump vs. Clinton
10/26/16 - Asymmetric Warfare: The Fight Against Conservative Smear Campaigns
10/11/16 - I Have More Respect For Trump Voters Than Undecided Ones
08/08/16 - Opinions Are Overrated
1. Swimming powerhouse Michael Phelps, purple-spotted from cupping therapy, and an old uncle with a beer gut share a bond: weakness to the allure of voodoo medicine.
2. Modern-day snake oil salesmen hawking quick cures and TV doctors peddling the latest diet miracle with blatantly ridiculous claims are everywhere on the tube, social media, the supermarket and old-fashioned billboards.
3. Evidence-based medicine (often called western medicine) has, of course, its own set of serious problems and significant limitations.
4. Flaws in modern medicine are, in theory, amenable to improvement because the foundation is evidence-based, which is not the case for claims that are made with no attempt at rigorous evaluation—like cupping.
5. There is no credible clinical evidence that cupping is anything more than a placebo—or one big hickey—with no medical benefit at all.
6. If this ancient Chinese treatment really worked over millennia, why aren’t Chinese athletes doing cupping therapy?
7. Like their cousin cupping, faddish cryotherapy and chelation also offer an alternative to actual medicine, with no scientific support of the benefits they claim to provide. And the list goes on and on: Ayurvedic medicine, aromatherapy, homeopathy, shamanism, naturopathy, Hopi Indian ear candling, Sekkotsu, Christian faith healing, stem cell therapy, probiotics…
8. These therapies and treatments all share the same fatal flaw; none has undergone rigorous clinical studies to determine safety and efficacy.
9. It’s like claiming that eating a bag of peas each day will cure your ills, but only if eaten at noon. This claim becomes convincing if the familiar face of a celebrity or if an actor dressed as a doctor, removing a pair of glasses to simulate intimacy, solemnly testify to the benefits of this practice.
10. Intersection of Voodoo Diet and Medicine: Of all the voodoo treatments mentioned, my personal favorites are those meant to address the curse of “inflammation,“ because these claims are the perfect confluence between voodoo medicine and diet.
11. Voodoo Nutrition and the Curse of Supplements: We are sold hormone supplements, told the benefits of “anti-inflammatory foods” and promised results if we only would take acetyl coenzyme A. These promises cannot be kept because they defy the simplest laws of biology and physics.
12. Not only do you not know if the supplement you take has any health benefit at all, you actually don’t know if you are taking the supplement you intend.
13. Dr. Oz is conning you, feeding you pure nonsense, selling miracle cures no better than snake oil vendors.
14. Cupping, Ayurvedic medicine, hormone supplements, anti-inflammatory foods are just a small sample of crazy. It’s not even the tip of the tip of the iceberg.
Related Dr. Schweitzer articles published on the Huffington Post web site:
08/12/16 - Voodoo Medicine: Time To Stop
1. The anti-vaccine movement gives us the clearest picture of how the far left and extreme right have become one stubborn bloc of boneheads impervious to the inconvenience of objective truth.
2. The anti-science rants from the right about climate change and the far left campaign against vaccines meet at a common point of ignorance about tropical disease.
3. Why Zika now? As with the emergence of West Nile in the United States, we are witnessing the inevitable march north of tropical diseases as a direct result of a warming planet.
4. Vaccines are the most important, effective, and safest medical advance in all of human history.
5. If enough people do not get vaccinated, the entire community may suffer because “community immunity“ becomes jeopardized.
6. Ignorance, false claims to expertise and scientific illiteracy are threatening our children’s health.
7. If you oppose vaccinations you are willfully condoning the death of an additional 3 million children every year
8. Repeat after me: there is no evidence, none, zero, absolutely nothing, to link vaccinations with autism. It is a myth, a fallacy, factually incorrect.
9. Of course absolutely nothing is 100% safe and effective; sitting on your couch with a helmet does not guarantee an airplane tail won’t fall through your roof and kill you.
10. The awesome, amazing benefits of vaccines vastly, incredibly, outrageously outweigh any potential risk.
1. Few concepts are more poorly understood or more abused than skepticism.
2. Saying that “I am a skeptic” has little meaning because that is a stance; more meaningful is a statement like, “I am open to accepting a claim if presented with sufficiently convincing evidence.”
3. Ordinary incredulity (what people typically call skepticism) arises when in principle doubt can be removed by discovering the truth of some claim or statement.
4. Climate change deniers do not have the high privilege of being called skeptics. No amount of data, no convincing evidence, and no degree of proof would ever convince a denier that climate change is real.
5. It is perfectly reasonable to start out unconvinced that humans are causing our climate to change. But that shifts to cynicism and faith-based opposition with the inability to modify that position in the presence of overwhelming evidence.
6. Climate change denial is a form of cynicism and as such is the antithesis of skepticism; it is the closed-minded pre-determined rejection of any and all data that might validate the claim that our climate is changing.
7. We must not confuse an open mind with gullibility. A mind open to change in the face of convincing data is not equivalent to credulous acceptance of a claim absent of evidence.
8. We have the circumstance in which deniers reject a conclusion for which we have overwhelming evidence but accept wild claims for which there is none.
9. Ironically, the demand for proof is conspicuously and gloriously absent when the question turns to patently false claims about fat-burning foods or a host of bogus promises relating to diet and nutrition, or the link between autism and vaccines, or the economic viability of nuclear power, or clean coal, or alien landings, or the Bermuda Triangle, or virtually anything that is not climate change.
10. There are no climate change skeptics; only faith-based climate change cynics.
Related Dr. Schweitzer articles published on the Huffington Post web site:
08/18/16 - Skeptical About Climate Deniers
“Science may be nerdy, but we’d all die a terrible death with out it.”